Effective outcomes include improved function & performance of the body, reduction of pain/symptoms, and decreased medical expenses throughout life.
How does chiropractic adjustment help me?
The chiropractic adjustment is an essential tool to restore proper alignment and joint function.
Is chiropractic safe for children?
Dealing with injuries and pain as adults can be frustrating and stressful. For children the entire process can be downright scary. The most important aspect of treatment as Performance Spine & Sport Rehabilitation is the development of trust. Dr. Swaringen provides a wide-ranging approach to care allowing for safe and comfortable management of pain and injuries to people of all ages and abilities.
How does low back pain occur?
Low back pain while squatting and bending is a frequent complaint among patients and athletes alike. Most commonly, individuals lack the required hip flexion (among other things) needed to perform a proper squat, resulting in the development of a "hinge point" in the thoracolumbar spine. Over time this can present as an acute injury associated frequently with bending and sudden pain or as a chronic complaint from degeneration of joints and soft tissues of the back.
Are manual adjustments safe?
Yes! With a proper evaluation, diagnosis, and identification of contraindicating factors, the manual adjustment is a safe and effective technique for recovering from injuries and improving performance. Manual adjustments are techniques used by chiropractors to correct malpositioned joints in the body. By using objective findings including orthopedic, neurologic, muscle, and reflex testing in combination with palpatory findings, we isolate structures for correction. The manual adjustment is performed when the doctor contacts specific landmarks of the structure to be adjusted followed by placing a thrust through the line of correction. It is very common to hear a "cracking" or "popping" sound at this time. This noise occurs when tissues are taken past the elastic barrier, causing the gasses within the body's fluid to compress and release. Results of chiropractic adjustments include improved joint motion, reduction of symptoms, faster recovery, and improved neurological awareness.
Do I need chiropractic care if I'm not in pain?
Pain is a symptom. It is very common for athletes and patients to associate pain as a problem. Yes, when we experience pain, that is one indicator that there is something going on in the body that needs to be addressed. However, what if you had a broken arm? We can all agree that there would probably be pain. Now, what if you took a pain pill or had a shot that stopped the pain, would there still be a problem? The answer is YES! Just because the broken arm no longer hurts does not mean that there isn't a problem. So, at Performance Spine & Sport Rehabilitation, we don't chase pain symptoms. We look for the cause of the pain and how best to eliminate the symptoms while preventing them from coming back.
What are prerequisites before receiving treatment at Performance Spine & Sport Rehabilitation?
A detailed history of complaint, previous applicable medical records, performing new imaging such as x-rays or MRIs, a thorough examination performed by Dr. Swaringen.
What does your first visit look like at Performance Spine & Sport Rehabilitation?
An assessment of injuries is taken from our intake paperwork. Then an exam is performed consisting of a history, orthopedic, neurologic, muscular, and range of motion testing to aid in the diagnosis of injured tissues such as muscle, bone, or nerve. Once completed, a report of findings will be delivered to the patient detailing their diagnosis, projected treatment plan, and outcome goals.
What is a Sprain?
A stretching or tearing of ligaments, the fibrous tissue that connects bones and joints.
Sprains and Strains are two of the most common injuries that present for treatment at Performance Spine & Sport Rehabilitation. Occurring from both trauma and overuse, the recovery time for these injuries range significantly depending on severity.
Grade 1 sprain/strain usually causes stretching to the ligament or muscle fibers; Grade 2 sprain strain has more significant damage, and some of the ligament or muscle fibers are damaged or torn; and Grade 3 sprain/strain is a complete rupture of the ligament or muscle.
Typical resolution occurs from 2-4 weeks (grade 1) to 6-8 months, (grade 3).
What is a Strain?
A stretched or torn muscle or tendon.
Sprains and Strains are two of the most common injuries that present for treatment at Performance Spine & Sport Rehabilitation. Occurring from both trauma and overuse, the recovery time for these injuries range significantly depending on severity.
Grade 1 sprain/strain usually causes stretching to the ligament or muscle fibers; Grade 2 sprain strain has more significant damage, and some of the ligament or muscle fibers are damaged or torn; and Grade 3 sprain/strain is a complete rupture of the ligament or muscle.
Typical resolution occurs from 2-4 weeks (grade 1) to 6-8 months, (grade 3).
Is Soft Tissue Mobilization effective to treat Sprain / Strains?
Yes, STM is an effective manual therapy utilized to expedite the healing process of soft tissue injuries. STM's focus is to increase circulation to soft tissues, promote lymphatic drainage, and break up myofascial adhesions and scar tissue to promote more uniform fibroblastic activity.
What are Acute Injuries?
Acute Injuries are new complaints ranging from mild to severe and are typically associated with trauma. It is common for acute injuries to be very isolated with a rapid onset. For less severe injuries in the mild to moderate range we see a short-term window to maximize the body's innate systems for tissue repair and function restoration. A standard treatment plan for an acute injury is 2-3 times per week for 2-4 weeks. As the treatment plan progresses, there is a reduction in frequency of visits as the patient progresses until resolution is reached.
What are Chronic Injuries?
Chronic pain can be exacerbated by mitigating factors such as age, degenerative changes, and occurrence of symptoms. Typically presenting as overuse or compensation injuries, these ailments can linger for months and require a longer-term plan for the patient. Treatment visits begin 2-3 times a week for 4-6 weeks. At the end of this first period a follow up evaluation is performed. Any advanced diagnostic testing is ordered, and treatment continues at 2 times a week for 2-4 weeks. Again, another re-evaluation is performed, and the treatment plan will be reduced to 1 time a week for up to 4 weeks. The goal here is to help the body recover as much as possible while reintroducing the aggravating factors back into the patient's daily routine without causing a flare up. Maximum medical improvement (MMI) is commonly achieved and future maintenance, rehabilitation, and pain management is recommended.
What is Maintenance Care?
Maintenance care is for the individuals prioritizing performance, health, and longevity. Preventing problems before they arise is the easiest form of treatment in rehab today. Typical treatment of maintenance patients is once a week to once a month and coupled frequently with massage, exercise, and dietary modifications.
What is a "tweak"?
"Tweaks" are common minor injuries to soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, or ligaments. Early management of these injuries is essential for a quick resolution of pain and discomfort. By combining chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue mobilization to the affected area we provide the effective 1 - 2 punch needed to reduce muscle spasms, restore mobility, and expedite the healing process.
What is static stretching?
Static Stretching is a low force technique that allows us to aid in movement while controlling intensity and aggressiveness. This movement stimulates the Central Nervous System (CNS) to inhibit the initial guarding response of soft tissues allowing for increased range of motion of the joint. When we improve movement, we can increase the lymphatic drainage and circulation to the injury to promote evacuation of waste products and the delivery of fresh chemical mediators to aid in healing.
What is Neuro Re-Education?
Utilizing Wobble Boards, Balance Pads, and other balanced focused drills, we stimulate the communication between the Central Nervous System (CNS) and Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) to optimize controlled movement patterns, balance, proprioception, and strength.
What are End Range Isometric Contractions (ERIC's)?
ERIC's are an intermediate level form of physical rehabilitation therapy utilized to improve contralateral (opposite side) muscle elongation, increase ipsilateral (same side) muscle contractility, stimulate motor unit recruitment (contraction), and develop enhanced neurological awareness of soft tissues.
What is Rocktape?
Rocktape is a great complement to your treatment plan. Assisting in function, control, and stability of joint, soft tissue and nerve injuries. This tape is used to manage pain, discomfort, and movement while giving you the edge to stay in the game.